Thursday 20 August 2020

Smartscene Review - The New Scene Design Revolution

Smartscene is a 3 in 1 apps suite for creating really stunning scene designs. Users can access 3 different Smartscene apps from a single dashboard that create 3 kinds of scenes.

Smartscene offers everything a graphics designer could want under one roof – and make it super simple to manipulate, edit, and create stunning scenes to be used in virtually every design project imaginable…

Scenes created with these apps can be used on websites, explainer videos, social media, graphics ads, video ads, product covers, doodle videos, in digital products, cloud and desktop apps, Kindle covers, T-shirts, for distinctive branding purposes, etc

Each of the 3 Smartscene apps contains 100’s of templates that users can already choose from and customize to create a unique scene design that perfectly matches their projects.

In total, there are currently over 1,200 ready-made Smartscene templates available at the FE level. That is a whopping pool of stunning scene template choices for a ridiculously cheap discounted one-time payment.

The new SCENE DESIGN revolution: the problem (Read our honest Smartscene review now!)

Illustrator Scene designs including Isometrics, flat illustrations and other hand-drawn scenes are in vogue right now… they are the next best thing everyone want on their websites, sales pages, videos, etc

And when you look at the stunning look of these designs, it is rather obvious the huge positive impact they have on engagement and click-through rates wherever used.

The problem is, you need to find expert designers who know their way around illustrations to create these sort of designs. And they don’t come cheap. A designer we found on Dribble quoted $5,000 minimum budget before we can get any audience. And another designer said we had to wait for 2 months before they’d be free to take on our project.

Watch the demo here:

So if you are not a designer that works with Graphics Drawing Tablet or you are not a master of Adobe Illustrator, then the only shot you have at using such slick illustrations is to always create a fat budget and hire people who do. This will definitely dig a deep hole in anyone’s pocket over time.

And lets not forget those time-sensitive moments when you are writing an email or a blog post and just needed a quick slick flat design for the header image, or you are working on a bonus page and you need to throw in some slick explanatory flat design alongside your bonus descriptions, features descriptions, etc.


You obviously don’t have hours to contact or wait for designers, and you don’t want to be paying $1,000’s for such either.

So when you want some high quality slick illustrations, flat designs, hand-drawn scene designs and sketch scenes, and you want them now, the solution is next to none in our industry – until Smartscene!

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